Chapter one, A hundred glances at the sea.
Every day I walk into the sea, so far until I am the last one.
Colors of water and sky seem different each time I take a look.
With a million moving circles underneath, I'm overwhelmed by infinite changes. Standing inside a giant mirror.
Chapter two, Passengers on the ferry
Each time the ferry hits the other side, he sets foot on the land and will turn around immediately to walk back onto the boat again, together with the newly arriving passengers. For hours on an end. I watch him. Seeing something my father would do.
Chapter three, Close ups taken from sea-paintings
She is watching. Time and time again she moves closer and then slowly walks backwards. After she has left, I do the same. The paint changes into waves when I step away. I can feel it move.
A special Thanks to
Winnie Stomps, Barend Stomps, Marianne Beuken, Roderik Rotting, Poike Stomps, Babet Echter, Robert van Dijk, Judith van IJken, Yvonne Feil, Femke Lutgerink, Rob Wetzer, Sabrina Mandanici, Diane van de Marel, Shari de Boer, Fotolab, Guillaume Koning, Rijksmuseum, Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam, Foto Formationa, MIAP Foundation and JONGENSVANHETDOK.