The winner and the three finalists of the Second Edition of GD4PhotoArt competition selected by the jury are: Olivia Gay (France), Justin Jin (United Kingdom), Alessandro Sambini (Italy), Niels Stomps (The Netherlands).
They will have to complete their project on the theme “Industry, Society and Territory” by the 30th of June 2010. Before the end of 2010 an exhibition of the work of the winner and of the three finalists will be held, which will be inaugurated to coincide with the announcement of the 2011 third edition of GD4PhotoArt.
Fondazione Isabella Seràgnoli, will take place on Thursday 30th of September at 6.30 pm at the Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna.
Photography meets Industry presents the images of the four winners of the 2009/10 edition: the French artist Olivia Gay shows the project “The Lacemakers of Calais” which focuses on women at work in the Noyon mechanical lace factory in Calais; the British photographer Justin Jin with “Zone of Absolute Discomfort” describes life in the far north of Russia, where conditions are very hard but habitable enough to keep alive mines that extract millions of tons of oil, gas and minerals; the Italian artist Alessandro Sambini proposes the project “‘Na mota e ‘na busa” on heaps intended as a product of human creativity; “Eldorado” of the Dutch artist Niels Stomps shows three series of photographs on the scientific research activity carried out in the Svalbard islands.